Feria en honor a San Francisco de Asís y La Virgen del Rosario

Feria en honor a San Francisco de Asís y La Virgen del Rosario
-4 October: The festivities begin at 8am with the traditional flowered reveille and, at 11am, a solemn mass is held in honour of Saint Francis of Assisi with the participation of the “Romeros del Rosario” choir from Algatocín. At the end, the patron saint goes through the streets and squares of the town in procession accompanied by a multitude of neighbours and by the pieces performed by the Municipal Music School of Algatocín.

Afterwards, in the municipal booth, which as usual will be set up in the Alameda de Andalucía, a popular lunch is offered to all attendees and the daytime fair begins with live music. In addition, during the afternoon the competition for the best flamenco dress for children and adults begins, as well as the competition for the best T-shirt, which will continue throughout the rest of the festivities. In the evening, the court of honour of the festivities will be crowned and a musical group will liven up the evening.

-7 October: The day of the Virgin of the Rosary is celebrated starting with the flowered reveille at 8 in the morning. After midday, after the Eucharist in which the “Romeros del Rosario” choir also participates, the patron saint will leave the temple together with numerous neighbours and the Municipal Music School of Algatocín. Afterwards, a new collective lunch is organised and the daytime fair begins. The festivities will end at midnight, when the fair will be brought to a close with the final fireworks display.